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  4. How to create a writable folder/ web application/ virtual directory?

How to create a writable folder/ web application/ virtual directory?

  1. Log in your control panel.
  2. Follow My Products >> My Web Hosting.
  3. Open the account you would like to work with, by clicking on Hosting details.Hosting details
  4. Navigate to the panel to your left. Click on Folder settings.Folder settings
  5. Enter a path in the text field, select an option from the dropdown menu, then click on Add folder.
  6. Check the settings and click on Add folder.
  7. For Writeable Folder:
    1. Make sure the folder is already created (e.g. via FTP)
    2. Back in your control panel, enter the path for the folder (e.g. ‘/www/folder’) and click on +Add folderadd folder
    3. Click on the > Add folder button to make the directory writeableFolder settings
  8. For Virtual Directory:
    1. Make sure the folder is already created (e.g. via FTP)
    2. Enter the path for the folder (e.g. ‘/www/directory’) and click on +Add folderAdd folder
    3. Give your virtual directory a name. That name will be the visible name that will show the content of your /www/directory folder. (e.g. will be an alias for directory/)Folder settings
    4. Click on the > Add folder button to save
  9. For Web Application:
    1. Make sure the folder is already created (e.g. via FTP)
    2. Enter the path for the folder (e.g. ‘/www/app’) and click on +Add folderAdd folder
    3. Give your web application a name and check the rest of your settingsFolder settings
    4. Click on the > Add folder button to save
Updated on 26 September 2022

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