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  5. How do we measure your usage as a Reseller?

How do we measure your usage as a Reseller?

To ensure that you only pay for what you used per hour, we store an image of your account every hour. That way you can only activate a hosting account for an hour and only pay for that one hour.

You can use the Pay-As-You-Use function of your control panel to see a detailed daily report of your charges and an estimate of your monthly charge.


Where can I find the Pay-As-You-Use function?

Follow these steps in the control panel :

  1. Go to “Administration”> “Pay-as-you-use”
  2. Click on “Details” next to the checkout period you want to view.
  3. This screen shows the active accounts, active add-ons, used service packages, invoiced days, and total monthly pricespay-as-you-use

When do we charge you for your accounts and add-ons?

  • We charge you for accounts and add-ons from the moment you create them until the moment you delete them. This means you only pay for the hours and days during which you actually use your accounts and add-ons.

    Tip: We do not charge you for accounts and add-ons that you delete within 48 hours. This allows you to briefly test some features free of charge.

  • In case you have added a new account or add-on this month and it has existed for more than 48 hours, the charges will start from the first hour the account (add-on) was added, to the last hour of the month.
  • In case you have deleted an account or add-on at some point this month, the charges will end on that same day/hour.
  • In case you have downgraded or upgraded an account, it will be listed two times – once for the lower, and once for the larger package, with their respective prices and duration.
Updated on 25 March 2021

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