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How do I restore my website backups?

Combell will back up your website and subsites at regular intervals.

Also read: Where can I find my database backups?

Downloading and restoring your backups

Follow these steps in the control panel :

  1. Go to “My products” > “Web hosting” > Click on the button “Manage hosting” to the right of your domain name.
  2. Choose “Backups” in the menu on the left.
  3. Here you will find a list with the backups and the date they were created. Choose a backup by clicking on the “Select” button.
    website backups
  4. This action will not restore your backup. Only a folder(/restord-backups) will be created containing your selected backup(s).
  5. Connect via SSH or FTP to view the backup in the /restored-backups folder.
  6. To restore the backup, replace the files or folders on your hosting with the corresponding files in the /restored-backups folder.
    For example, you can replace the entire “/www” folder with the same folder in the backup.

If you select a backup, a “mount point” (shortcut) is created so that you can access the backup. This way, the backup files do not take up extra space on your hosting. Those mount points are automatically deleted after 24 hours.

Easy backups with Managed WordPress

With Managed WordPress restoring a backup is as easy as the click of a button.

Follow these steps in the control panel :

  1. Go to “My products”> “Web hosting”> Click on “Manage” next to your domain name.
  2. On your left, click on “Backups”.
  3. The timestamp of the backup will tell you when it was made. Find the backup that will work for you and click on “Recover to”.
  4. From the dropdown menu, decide whether you want to replace the live website, or your testing environment with the version from your backup.

Tip: restore backups to a test environment before restoring it to your live website.
That way, you can check whether the features or the content that you are missing now from your live website are available in the backup.

Updated on 12 March 2024

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