Enabling autopatching for your customers is recommended as it is a malware scanner which detects and automatically patches vulnerabilities of files. It does so by changing the source code of the website. The tool only looks for known vulnerabilities. That is why it best works with popular open source systems and CMS. Click on the link for more information on how to use autopatching.
You can enable autopatching for your customers by adding it to their service packages:
- Log in your reseller control panel.
- Choose ‘Service packages’ from the menu on the left.
- Click on the ‘Edit’ button for your package.
- Check the ‘Autopatching activated’ box at the bottom.
- Click on ‘Edit service package’ to reflect the changes in your package.
- Autopatching is now enabled. Customers can now view the added ‘Autopatching’ tab via ‘Site settings’ from their menu.