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How can I add a custom errorpage?

If you want to customize your website better a custom error page with your logo or friendly message is a good idea and easy to apply. To do it, follow the steps below:

  1. Make sure you have uploaded at least one custom page showing the error number, and preferably your logo.
  2. Log in your control panel.
  3. At the top follow ‘My Products’ > ‘Web hosting’.
  4. In the table you will see your hosts. Click on ‘Hosting Details’ for the host you need to change the error page for.
  5. From the vertical menu to your left choose ‘Site-instellingen’. Go to the tab “Error pages”.
  6. Let’s choose one error to test ex: 404: File not found. Click an ‘Edit Page’.
  7. The error page of the website should be uploaded in the ‘errors’ subfolder in the main (www) directory: /errors/404.htmlError pages
  8. Click on ‘+ Save’.
Updated on 8 March 2020

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