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  5. Give us authorization for Microsoft 365

Give us authorization for Microsoft 365

As a Microsoft partner, we need your permission to manage your Microsoft 365 products. This allows you to link domain names to your Microsoft 365 products or add and change users through our control panel. 

Please note: To activate Microsoft 365 Backup, we need additional authorisation. Arrange the authorisation via our control panel.
Log in to our control panel, go to your Microsoft 365 account and set the authorisation (you will be notified if this is not in order)

Authorization expiry date

Our authorization to perform these tasks on your behalf expires after a certain period of time. It is therefore necessary for you to confirm with Microsoft that we are still authorized to perform these tasks.

What happens when the authorization has expired?

Even when the authorization has expired, you can still use your Microsoft 365 products. Everything will continue to work as normal. However, you can no longer make changes via our control panel. This means it is not possible to add or change domain names, add or change users, and so on.

Renew our authorization

To continue managing your Microsoft 365 products via our control panel, it is important to renew our authorization. That way, you continue to manage all your services with us in our user-friendly control panel.

Renew authorization via our control panel

Questions and support

Do you have any questions about this process? Then don’t hesitate to contact us. Our team is ready to help you!

Updated on 11 December 2024

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