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  5. How to enable a caching solution on your web hosting

How to enable a caching solution on your web hosting

Enabling a caching solution on your hosting is easy and instructions are available for the most popular CMSs.

You can also read: What is caching?


Enable Redis cache

Follow these steps in the control panel:

  1. Go to ‘My products’ > ‘Web hosting’ > Your domain name.
  2. In the menu on the left, select ‘Performance & Caching’.
  3. Click on ‘Enable Redis’. Can’t you see the button? Then you must order the cache first.
  4. Choose a strong password for Redis and click on ‘Enable Redis’.
  5. Redis is enabled. You can now see the IP address (server) and the port you need to activate Redis on your website as well. To do this, simply follow our instructions for your CMS:

Check for leaked passwords
To prevent hacking of your website, we compare your passwords with passwords known in the database.
We do this in an encrypted way and never know your entered password.

Enable Varnish cache

Just follow these steps in the control panel:

  1. Go to ‘My products’ > ‘Web hosting’ > Your domain name.
  2. In the menu on the left, select ‘Performance & Caching’.
  3. Click on ‘Enable Varnish’. Can’t you see the button? Then you must order the cache first.
  4. We will enable Varnish for you. Once this is done, you can adjust the settings.
  5. Choose a template for Varnish by clicking on ‘Edit template’. We have provided templates for WordPress, Drupal and Magento. But you are also free to use your own VCL template.
  6. At the bottom of the page, you will see an overview of all the information you need to use Varnish with your website.
  7. Once you have configured Varnish properly on your own website, switch off the ‘Bypass’. From that moment on, Varnish will be fully operational!

Updated on 7 November 2023

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